
Devan Archibald, Canadian Sea Turtle Network

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI’m the Turtle Technician for the Canadian Sea Turtle Network from April 2012 to present.






Elad Ben-Ezra








Kayla Deasley, University of Alberta

Kayla_picI completed my MSc with Dr. Andrew McAdam on red squirrel selection on white spruce cones. I am now out in Edmonton working at the University of Alberta as a Lab Coordinator.





Quinn Fletcher, Université du Québec à Rimouski


Jamie Gorrell, University of New England

JamieDuring my PhD with Stan Boutin and Dave Coltman, I used genetic approaches to study relatedness and associated behaviours. I was also responsible for genotyping 3500 squirrels and conducting parentage analyses for pedigree reconstruction from 2006-2014. I am now a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of New England in Australia, studying the population genomics and hybridization of feral cats.





Amanda Kelley, University of Alberta

AmandaKelleyI’m interested in the development of personality, and more broadly, behavioural ecology. As part of my work with the Kluane Red Squirrel Project, I am investigating 1) how personality is shaped by conditions in early life, 2) how personality changes as squirrels mature, and 3) how personality influences dispersal movements, territory acquisition, and survival.





Tricia Kerr










Meghan Larivee, Yukon Environment








Eryn McFarlane, Uppsala University

I’m currently working with Anna Qvarnström at Uppsala University on speciation in Ficedula flycatchers.


Julia Shonfield, University of Alberta


I completed my MSc on the Kluane Red Squirrel project at the University of Guelph with Dr. Andrew McAdam. My project focused on territorial behaviour of red squirrels, and I used call playbacks to test what factors influenced their territorial responses. I also compared territorial responses of squirrels to calls from familiar kin, unfamiliar kin and non-kin to test for the mechanism of kin recognition. Continuing with my research interests in animal behaviour and communication, I’m currently working on my PhD at the University of Alberta with Dr. Erin Bayne, where I’m looking at the effects of industrial noise on several species of owls in the boreal forest of northeastern Alberta.


Frances Stewart, University of Victoria

FrancesI am an ecologist with broad interests in ecology, evolution, and their applications. I started working at Squirrel Camp is 2010 with Ben Dantzer and Amy Newman, and then returned in 2011, and eventually 2013 as head tech. I completed my MSc with Dr. Andrew McAdam on  maternal care and sex ratio manipulation in the woodland deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) in Algonquin Park, Ontario, and  have recently started my PhD research at the University of Victoria with the Moraine Mesocarnivore Project.


Ryan Taylor, Stanford University

Ryan W. Taylor is a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Petrov Lab at Stanford (2013-now). During his PhD at Michigan State University he studied animal personality in a wild population of red squirrels that experience a temporally fluctuating environment. This research used a combination of quantitative genetic, selection and mate-choice analyses (with a lot of field work!) to investigate the importance of personality to red squirrel fitness and possible mechanisms that might maintain genetic variation in personality. In the Petrov lab Ryan is learning molecular evolutionary techniques while studying Drosophila melanogaster populations sampled temporally within and across years. He will also genotype Kluane red squirrels in order to bring population genomic techniques to the model Kluane red squirrel system.


Kristin Van Katwyk, Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, Government of Alberta

KristinVanKatwykI am a wildlife biologist with a passion for Canadian wildlife and learning about interactions within ecosystems, especially in areas highly used by the human population. I started working at Squirrel Camp in 2011 as a crew member and head tech and by 2013 I completed my M.Sc. with Dr. Stan Boutin. My thesis utilized the enumerated population of squirrels to validate several population abundance and density models. I now work as a wildlife biologist for Environment and Sustainable Resource Development in the government of Alberta and focussing on the impacts to wildlife populations from the 2013 flood.



Sarah Woods, Junction Creek Stewardship Coordinator
